The First Meeting of the Working Group on Hydropower in the Dniester Basin took place in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on 15 March 2018. The meeting objectives were to:
– learn about the hydropower / water allocation / environment solutions in different countries,
– discuss the WG operation, its connection with the Dniester Basin Commission, formalization of the TOR and nomination of participants, communication and coordination,
– discuss how the project can contribute to the development of the hydropower impact assessment as part of the TDA, how it can assist in the development of operation rules and with information exchange on the potential hydropower cascade on the Upper Dniester,
– agree on next steps and deadlines for the WG activities.
50 experts from the two riparians (including Transnistria) representing environment and water authorities, hydrometeorological services, science, NGOs, water intake facilities of Chisinau, and a number of representatives of international projects and donor organizations took part in the meeting.
Meeting report (incl. agenda and LoP)
1. Dniester core concerns and role WG_Bo Libert
2. Dniester Int exp water allocation_Bo Libert
3. Experience from downstream_Pedro Serra
5. Portuguese-Spanish Convention_Pedro_Serra
6. Swedish Hydropower Bo Libert