On 02-03 July 2014 the Ninth meeting of the Working group on Flood Management and Climate Change Adaptation, in frame of the project “Climate Change and Security in the Dniester River Basin”, was conducted in Chisinau. The meeting was devoted to discussion of the strategic adaptation framework including comments and suggestions, provided after the last meeting of the Working Group; elaboration of the implementation plan and resource mobilization strategy; and selection and implementation of priority measures in the Dniester basin.
Also, participants discussed flood risk modelling in the Dniester delta within the project “Reducing Vulnerability to Еxtreme Floods and Сlimate Сhange in the Dniester Basin” and preliminary results of modelling for the Dniester reservoirs, performed together with the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation. The issues of integrated water management within the basin together with Millennium Challenge Corporation and the project “Environmental Protection of International River Basins” were also discussed in the meeting.
Agenda of the 9th meeting of the working group (Chisinau, 02-03 July 2014).
More information is available at UNECE website.
In addition, the Workshop on the results of developing flood maps for the area from Mogilev Podolsk (Ukraine) to Ataki (Republic of Moldova) was held in Mohilev-Podolsk on July 4. Proposed model and flood-zone maps had been presented in the previous meetings of the Working group and were tested Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
Agenda of the Workshop in Ukrainian (Mohilev-Podolsk, Ukraine, 04 July 2014)