The Global Environment Facility (GEF), allocated almost 2 million USD for a Moldovan-Ukrainian project “Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the Dniester River Basin”.
The project is based on results and recommendations of a series of projects on the Dniester river basin implemented in the frame of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) with guidance from the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
A Project Identification Form (a project concept) includes the three principal components:
- Development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Study (TDA) which, upon request of the beneficiaries from Ukraine (environment authorities), should meet the requirements of the article 5 of the Water Framework Directive.
- Development of a Strategic Action Programme (compatible with the transboundary action programme, a political document to be approved by the governments of the riparian states), support to the Dniester basin Commission, organization of the study tour to another basin commission, stakeholders and public participation, awareness raising,
- Monitoring, early warning, capacity building of the laboratory personnel, biodiversity conservation, pilot demonstration projects (ecosystems restoration, fish conservation), and adaptation to climate change.
A Project Preparatory Grant (PPG) phase started in March 2016. The PPG has been allocated to the states to develop a full project document, to prepare other required documents, and to identify co-funding equal almost 9 million USD – to validate the full grant (1,950 mln USD) till the end of 2016. The PPG is administered by the UNDP country office in Moldova, with the guidance by the UNDP Istanbul office for Europe and Central Asia, and UNECE. The PPG team includes 3 Moldovan and 3 Ukrainian experts, an international consultant, and a team leader. Focal points for the project implementation in the beneficiary environment authorities of the two riparian states are Ms Diana Celac (Republic of Moldova) and Mr Vladyslav Marushevskyi (Ukraine).
The key dates in for the PPG are:
- the inception meeting (Chisinau) – 12 July 2016,
- consultations with stakeholders and development of the draft project document (with a timeline and measurable indicators) – till mid-September 2016,
- concluding workshop to discuss and validate the project document (Kyiv) – mid-October,
- submission of the final project document, along with letters on co-financing (from the governments and international organizations) – end of December 2016,
- the project start – second half of 2017 (tbc). The project will run for three years.
The Project Identification Form to be specified is uploaded at The PPG project team invited all stakeholders to take part in the project development – till 10 August 2016. With questions and comments please contact Ms Tamara Kutonova, PPG Team Leader at