30 November – 2 December 2011 a series of the meetings of the Dniester-III project will be held in Kyiv, in particular:

30th November – a meeting of the working group on information management in the Dniester river basin. The meeting will focus on finalization of the Dniester River basin Atlas and a pilot geoinformation system (GIS).

1st December –  4th meeting of the working group in the pilot project “Reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change in the Dniester river basin”. The meeting will focus on assessment of vulnerability to climate change, modelling, monitoring and action plan for adaptation to climate change and flood risk management.

Agenda of the 4th meeting (Kyiv, 1 December 2011)

2 December – 6th (final) meeting in the Dniester-III project at which project outcomes will be summarized, project evaluation will be conducted and future plans will be discussed.

Agenda of the 6th meeting (Kyiv, 2 December 2011)